Dr. Emine Cay Masters is one of the most purpose-driven individuals I’ve had the pleasure of working with. With over 30 years experience working with menopausal women, she knows exactly what they want to know and what they need to know. She has seen it all! To help even more women, she has authored Mastering Menopause: A Doctor’s Candid Guide to Estrogen Hormone Therapy. Her goal is to make Mastering Menopause a desk reference for doctors and women all over the country.
Dr. Masters came to us to create the home-base of her online presence: her website. Since her audience is women going through a very emotional and physically-taxing experience, we took extra care to create a feminine yet soft and relaxing website that promoted the book while keeping the reader in mind. The goal of the website is to describe the book and to drive book sales.
Of course, her website is mobile-friendly and optimized for search engines.
To support the goal of driving book sales, we also created a book trailer to go with Mastering Menopause. This book trailer features video, photos, and a voiceover. You can view the trailer below.
What we did for Dr. Masters:
- website design, development, and maintenance
- search engine optimization
- book trailer creation