I’m passionate about seeing people live their dreams, and love their businesses. I’m the type of person who talks about Google at parties. I’m also a wife, a pianist, and pet mama. All in all, I’d say I’m living my dream and I do love my business.
But it wasn’t always this way.
It all started when I graduated from the University of California, Santa Cruz with a Bachelors in Psychology. After sending out more resumes than I care to think about, I realized that I wasn’t going to get a job using my degree in psychology any time soon.
The cashier’s job I took at a big box store, after a ton of resume writing and job hunting with nothing else in sight, bored me.
No, it was more than just boredom.
It was this feeling that I knew I could do more, that I was destined for more.
So I started freelancing as a web designer.
And so it began…
There I was, sitting in my little apartment playing with pixels and code, when I got a call from a local company looking for someone to develop and manage their new marketing department. This was almost a dream come true! I would never have dreamed up a job with this kind of possibility and responsibility at this early stage in my career.
This next part is why I’m so passionate about the web.
“How did you find me?” I asked the owner. “Your website came up in the search engines and I liked what you have on your site,” he replied.
That’s it? A simple Google search gave me an opportunity beyond what I could have imagined?
Here’s the truth:
This never would have happened had I not been using the power of the web. And, I never would have been designing and developing online presences for over 15 years.
Sure, the web is more crowded now. It’s not easy to stand out. But it is possible and more people online means more people are looking for someone just like you.
Will you be seen and found? And more importantly, will they want to hire you?
I believe:
You deserve to be heard.
You deserve to be seen.
You deserve to be unashamedly out there in the world doing what it is you love to do.
Here’s the thing, though: There was a problem with my dream job. I was a pointy star trying to fit into a square hole. The job, being on someone else’s schedule, having someone looking over my shoulder for every decision, was making me sick.
I wasn’t sleeping as well
I was waking up with anxiety
My relationships started to suffer
And I began to feel real depression
No job is worth that and I had this crazy idea that I could start my own business.
A real one. Not one creating websites for people from my bedroom–though my team and I still do create awesome websites for people. I was, and still am, passionate about serving others by helping them get found online just like I always was. And I loved the ideal of unlimited earning potential.
So, I made the bittersweet decision to leave that job.
I’m happy to say that that promise to myself kept me going through the times when nothing seemed to work. But passion and promises only take you so far. Expert help in the form of coaches and team to help get things done is the reason Envivo is not only alive and well, but also thriving and growing today.
Who are my people?
My people are the passionate ones, the ones who will stop at nothing to get their gifts and their message out into the world. I truly believe these people will change the world. And if you’ve ever wanted to do that, to change even one small part of your world, then I believe you will. But if you aren’t sure how to make it happen, let’s chat.
As an online tech strategist and founder of Envivo, whose work supports unstoppable entrepreneurs, I know first hand the power of the web and the untapped power of each person I work with.
Put those two things together and you will become unstoppable and as successful as you want to be.
Opportunities are everywhere. If you don’t see them, let’s find or create them together.
You know what I love?
I love doing what I do because I give my clients the freedom to focus on doing what they actually went into business to do, create what they most want to create, and have the chance to serve.
Who is the girl behind this company?
I’ve been a musician since I was 8.
I am obsessed with my pets and if I had time they’d all have their own online presences.
The closest I came to playing a sport growing up was being in the marching band but even then, I was in the non-marching portion of the band.
I’m the type of person who when she finds a song she loves, she’ll listen to it on repeat until her husband threatens to move out. Even then, I just put in my earbuds.
That’s me. Who are you?
I may be crazy for the web but I’m also in love with meeting new people and hearing their stories. I invite you to book a time to talk. Here’s my calendar link.
Here’s to the unstoppable you!
That’s me. Who are you?
I may be crazy for the web but I’m also in love with meeting new people and hearing their stories. I invite you to book a time to talk. Here’s my calendar link.
Here’s to the unstoppable you!